If you encounter errors or issues with Advanced Tomato it's best that you report them to the proper issue tracker's linked bellow. This will help Tomato and Advanced Tomato developer(s) fix the issues. Before posting your issue, please check if the same issue has already been reported. When you report an issue or error, please include following details:
Github AdvancedTomato (GUI ONLY) issue tracker: https://github.com/Jackysi/advancedtomato/issues
Bitbucket Tomato by Shibby (firmware) issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/pl_shibby/tomato-arm/issues?status=new&status=open
If you have suggestions how to improve AdvancedTomato or you have notes/complaints please use form bellow to send a message to the author. If you have issues with the firmware (The Graphical Interface issues, Missing features, etc...) please submit a Github issue (link above) otherwise I suggest you visit http://linksysinfo.org/ where most Tomato developers hang out. Note: This is not a support section. Please only contact me if your suggestion / question is related to the router's Graphical Interface.